Minor (Kursus) Psikologi, Hehe.

Muhammad Athallah ยท May 28, 2023

Here comes one of my former dreams.

Kaget nggak kalau sebenarnya dulu aku pingin masuk jurusan psikologi terus pingin jadi psikolog? ๐Ÿคญ

Bukti Pilih Jurusan

Noh, bukti.

(Sayangnya) belakangan ini, impian itu menyala kembali.

Online courses come to the rescue~

Yak, lagi-lagi aku coba pakai pendekatan yang aku lakukan untuk kasus linguistik.

Sayangnya, beberapa universitas yang menyediakan minor di psikologi seperti Hunter College - CUNY dan Harvard University menyediakan informasi yang kurang aksesibel dan kurang dapat dipahami oleh publik.

  1. School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University

    Minor Requirements

    The completion of a minimum of 35 units in Psychology is required for the minor. All courses counting toward the minor must be passed with a minimum letter grade of C- or better. Courses must be taken for a letter grade unless the course is only offered CR/NC. Students may not overlap (double-count) courses with a major or another degree, unless the overlapping courses constitute introductory skill requirements, such as PSYCH 10. Advanced Placement (AP) credit and Summer Quarter Psychology courses are not applicable toward the 35 units needed for the minor.

    Course Requirements

    1. The following two introductory courses:

      • Psych 1 Introduction to Psychology
      • Psych 10 Introduction to Statistical Methods
    2. Three of the following ten core courses, with a minimum of one from each area A and B:

      Area A Courses:

      • Psych 30 Introduction to Perception
      • Psych 35 Minds and Machines
      • Psych 45 Introduction to Learning and Memory
      • Psych 50 Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience

      Area B Courses:

      • Psych 60 Introduction to Developmental Psychology
      • Psych 70 Introduction to Social Psychology
      • Psych 75 Introduction to Cultural Psychology
      • Psych 80 Introduction to Personality and Affective Science
      • Psych 90 Introduction to Clinical Psychology
      • Psych 95 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
    3. Elective Psychology (PSYCH) courses, which must be at least three units each.*

      An elective Psychology course is any PSYCH course that is 3 units or more. In addition, there are four cognate courses from other departments that count as elective PSYCH courses: BIO 150, PEDS 106, PSYC 135, and PSYC 139. (Any other PSYC course is considered outside of the psychology department and cannot be applied to the minor.)

    *Independent study, research, and practica (PSYCH 194, 195, and 281) do not count as electives and cannot be counted towards the minor.

  2. College in Liberal Arts & Sciences

    PSYC 100 Intro Psych 1 3-4
    PSYC 235 Intro to Statistics (or equivalent) 2 3
    Biological/Cognitive Psychology Course 3
    Select one from the following:
    Intro to Brain and Cognition
    Behavioral Neuroscience
    Images of Mind
    Cognitive Psych
    Perception & Sensory Processes
    Learning and Memory
    Clinical/Developmental/Social Psychology Course 3
    Select one from the following:
    Intro to Social Psych
    Child Psych
    Psychopathology and Problems in Living
    Community Psych
    Industrial Org Psych
    Psych of Personality
    Select two 300- or 400- level Psychology courses 6
    Total Hours 18-19

    The Psychology Minor requires 18 hours of Psychology courses. PSYC 290, PSYC 340, PSYC 341, PSYC 398, PSYC 492, PSYC 494, PSYC 495, PSYC 498, and PSYC 499 credit hours cannot be counted toward the minor requirement.


    Students who transfer credit from another institution only receive 3 credits for PSYC 100.


    Current equivalent courses include: STAT 100, ECON 202, EPSY 480, PSYC 301, and SOC 485. Contact the Psychology Advising Office to consult on other equivalents. Students who do not take PSYC 235 or PSYC 301 to satisfy their statistics requirement will need to take an additional Psychology course to meet the minimum of 18 hours of Psychology courses.

  3. College of Letters & Science, University of California at Davis

    PSC 041 Research Methods in Psychology 1 4
    One course from each of the following four groups:
    Core Group A: Perception, Cognition, & Cognitive Neuroscience
    Choose 4 units: 4
    Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
    Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
    Human Learning & Memory
    Language & Cognition
    Neuroeconomics/Reinforcement Learning & Decision Making
    Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biological Foundations of the Mind
    Psychology of Music
    Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience
    Core Group B: Psychobiology
    Choose 3-4 units: 3-4
    Introduction to Biological Psychology
    Developmental Psychobiology
    Physiological Psychology
    Advanced Animal Behavior
    Hormones & Behavior (3 units)
    Comparative Neuroanatomy (3 units)
    Behavioral Epigenetics
    Health Psychology
    Neurobiology of Learning & Memory
    Gender & Human Reproduction
    Core Group C: Social/Personality
    Choose 4 units: 4
    Social Psychology
    Social Cognition
    Psychology of Emotion
    Sexual Orientation & Prejudice
    Psychology of the Self
    Introduction to Personality Psychology
    Introduction to Clinical Psychology
    Abnormal Psychology
    Core Group D: Developmental
    Choose 4 units: 4
    Infancy & Early Childhood
    Infancy & Early Childhood
    Middle Childhood & Adolescence
    Developmental Psychology
    Developmental Psychology
    Cognitive Development
    Social & Personality Development
    Infant Development
    Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
    The Development of Memory
    Developmental Disorders
    Psychology Subtotal 19-20
    Approved Major Electives
    Additional units to achieve a total of 20 units of approved upper division major coursework. 4-5
    Psychology of the African American Experience
    Psychological Anthropology
    Chicana/o Psychology
    Chicana/o Community Mental Health
    Psychology Perspectives Chicana/o & Latina/o Family
    Psychological perspectives on Chicana/o & Latina/o Children & Adolescents
    Interpersonal Communication
    Nonverbal Communication
    Consumer Behavior (3 units)
    Educational Psychology: General
    Introduction to Motor Learning & the Psychology of Sport & Exercise
    Infancy & Early Childhood
    Infancy & Early Childhood
    Middle Childhood & Adolescence
    Adulthood & Aging
    Cognitive Neuropsychology in Adulthood & Aging
    Introduction to Psycholinguistics
    Animal Behavior (3 units)
    Neurobiology of Addictive Drugs
    Political Psychology
    Social Interaction
    Social Relationships
    Juvenile Delinquency
    Sociology of Violence & Inequality
    Approved Major Electives Subtotal 4-5
    Total Units 23-25

    Please note that PSC 001 or PSC 001Y is a prerequisite for PSC 041 and all upper division PSC courses.


    Except PSC 197T.

  4. Department of Psychology, Arizona State University

    Program Requirements

    The minor in psychology consists of completing 18-19 credit hours of coursework in psychology. Twelve credit hours must be completed at the upper-division level, of which at least six credit hours must be completed in courses offered by The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology. All courses for the minor must be completed with a grade of โ€œCโ€ (2.00 on a 4.00 scale) or better.

    Required Course โ€“ 3 credit hours

    PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology (SB) (3)

    Minor Electives โ€“ 15 credit hours

    Prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this minor.

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